"The things on earth stand next to Him like a candle to the sun! Unfailing Father; what compares to His great love? Behold His Holy Son, the Lion & the Lamb given to us. The Word became a man that my soul should know its Savior. Forsaken for the sake of all mankind, salvation is in His blood; Jesus Messiah!" (Hillsong – “Behold the Father’s Heart”)
Advent – the arrival of a notable person or thing.
The arrival of life, of light, of hope, of newness, of joy & freedom.
We wait for that for our world. We wait for that for our souls…
“Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.”
Psalm 31:16
Jesus’ arrival to earth was the beginning of opening the way for light in us
and through us.
“…so that you may be blameless and pure children of God without fault in a
crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world
as you hold forth the word of life…”
Phil 2:15,16
What part of your life awaits His arrival?
What part of your world awaits His arrival through you?