Soul Ironies
Some ironies of the Passover Week when Jesus was falsely accused and killed:
1. During Jesus’ unjust trial the Jewish leaders wouldn’t go into the Gentile palace because they wanted to keep themselves pure. (John 18:28)
Keep themselves pure? While they carry out their deceitful plot to kill the only one telling the Truth? They were anything but pure. Here on display is ritual gone awry.
Where in our lives has a ritual or habit overshadowed the significance of that very habit for our own convenience or lack of understanding?
2. They were celebrating the historical Passover while condemning the actual Passover Lamb. They forgot that John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. (John 1:29)
Do we celebrate an event in history without acknowledging or reflecting on the deep meaning for us?
3. They entirely missed the timing and symbolism of the blood of the lamb shed from the ancient outset of their relationship with God when they left Egypt in ~1400 BC.
What in the history of our relationship with God can we easily forget?
4. They could only fathom their own agenda while God so deeply uses them to carry out His agenda for their good! They were so clouded by what they wanted they could not hear truth.
Could there be a place in my life where I’m missing God’s agenda?
5. While thinking they were honoring God by calling out a blasphemer, they condemn God himself.
Where might I be pointing fingers or holding grudges that are actually blaming or condemning God?
Let’s examine our souls for any of these ironies and rejoice in His mercy, kindness and forgiveness toward us!