“Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise.”
Prov 22:17
Some things 80 year-olds said when asked what would they do differently in their lives:
- Don’t expect life to be fair.
Keep it simple.
- Risk more; do more things that will live on after you’re dead.
- Reflect more on the journey while you’re on it.
- Take charge of your attitude.
- Remember that 80 per cent of the success in any job is based on your ability to deal with people.
- Become someone’s hero.
I find it fascinating how much we can influence one another by our lives and choices.
“The I develops inside the we,” says Judith Glaser, Organizational Anthropologist.
“We are hardwired with the learnable ability to connect and grow…to write new things on each other’s brains.” There is a genetic ability to affect one another. Brain science is proving this.
“Stimulate one another to love and good deeds…” Heb. 10:24
My choice today to reach out to someone, deal with my emotions (see previous post) or change my attitude with God’s help, could be the microscopic adjustment that leads to major influence on others down the road.
So which of these wise sayings do you need to take to heart today?
What choice is God holding before you?
Your life is passing by.