Soul Hindsight
Take some time with your soul reflecting on the year 2020 with HINDSIGHT!
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Take some time with your soul reflecting on the year 2020 with HINDSIGHT!
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Our idea of what well-being for our lives and souls should be
is greatly dependent on expectations that spring from our contexts and inner neediness. Weary hours and years can be spent groping for what we think should be due us. If I hold over you a set of unspoken or subconscious expectations that stem from my reservoir of need and deficiency, disappointment is inevitable. Nothing on this earth will supply for such vast hunger. There may be a temporary supply, but to the caverns of our need only our Maker can reach!
He has decreed that we’re entitled to that reach but it often doesn’t fit our liking. His ways can look so odd, confusing and disrupting. Rarely do we understand them. As a baby is “entitled” to its mother’s milk and embrace, so we are entitled to our Maker’s care & attention. Only because He is that kind of being. But while a baby naturally demands, we must humbly open our hands to what’s given and to the hidden, obscure woo-ings that draw us to a deeper Source of love beyond.
“…such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it.” Psalm 139:6
Where do you notice subtle, misplaced entitlements in your soul?
(What do your unmet expectations tell you about yourself?)
“Only in God….” Psalm 62:1
Looking from the window of our apartment, I feast my eyes with layers of the Tien Shan mountains silently
singing handiwork, ever new. The first, foothills green with growth, anticipating the morning light; the next layer curiously peering over, dark and withdrawn. The following layer foreboding and fervent in stance with streaks of white hinting depth of wisdom and beauty; the next covered in a crown of white with gleaming robe that speaks great mystery reaching heights unseen, spotlighted by the morning sun.
These layered peaks are like the layers of truth before me on my lap in the open Book speaking life-giving words in the medley of Psalms 25 through 29:
I wait for the Lord. Wait before Him attending and receiving.
Peaks from His word feast our floundering souls!
A Lament for our Times 6/2020
A typical Post-Soviet stairwell – photo courtesy of Rachel Duggins
The ins and outs, attics and basements, the sunrooms, porches and junk drawers of our souls…The places we mourn.
Where tears are shed, dreams are led, regrets embed into closets and drawers – a potpourri of impressions, leanings, voices and choices…
Choices to hide for a time, to glide, to ride, to chide and to side with what we deem good and right. Choices to go and come, to reach to give and reach to take. Wishing to re-do, un-do, over-do what’s done. Or to re-mark things marked unremarkable.
Traversing soul. In the place where the files are, the intricate memories and defining points, the horrors and rifts way beneath the surface. Where grace proffered by the graced, by the disgraced, the chaffed is what heals. That’s deep grace when offered by one who has deeply received it.
Have you traversed your soul into that deep grace place? Where you know you don’t deserve it, you may not believe you can get to it and can’t bear the thought of freely taking it? Or the thought of giving it? It’s long and winding, windy and grinding, mundane and sublime, the way to the inner reckoning and freeing, of being and becoming. Where we turn to You alone who keeps us in life, for there is hope nowhere else.
“It is through Him that we become familiar with the inmost secrets of our own selves. And only they who habitually live this hidden and sunken life of solitary and secret communion will ever do much in the field of outward work. Christians of this generation are far too much accustomed to live only in the front rooms of the house, that look out upon the street; and they know very little-far too little for their soul’s health, and far too little for the freshness of their work and its prosperity-of that inward life of silent contemplation and expectant adoration, by which all strength is fed.”
From MacLaren’s expositions on John 10
How is your habit of hidden communion with your Source?
Those moments in the conversation when you recognize another conversation going on inside you saying, “How do I get to be among such multi-faceted, well-read, broadly studied and stunningly thoughtful people?”
Maybe because quarantine has brought out the beauty of what we miss…or the reality of what we forget. We are created to be
members of one another.
graphic source –
Then there are those other moments when you think, “I’ve had enough of these clueless, unreasonable people…”
A young acquaintance of mine has aptly shared his draw to community after feeling the lure to leave his fellowship because of hassle, imperfection, immaturity and, well…humanity. We can easily think of ourselves too highly than we ought (Romans 12:3) instead of agreeing to disagree on disputable matters (Romans 14:1) and working toward unity on the main things.
“The church on top of Mount Nebo was destroyed by an earthquake and subsequently ransacked multiple times. Do you know what the guardians of that holy land did? They rebuilt it. They beautified it. They made it a place of worship and praise. Is that our response to believers when their life is shaken and crumbled and pillaged and taken advantage of?
Admittedly, I have wanted to disconnect from the local Body several times because of petty infighting, slothfulness and such. I’ve joked before that if I was Moses leading the people out of Israel, all of the elderly, young and aloof would have lagged behind and died as I trail blazed ahead. However, I don’t think I would do that actually, because of Holy Spirit. The X Factor. The Game Changer. He constrains me. Grabs me. Enraptures me. Impassions me with the love of Christ that has no bias, discrimination, nor holds record of wrong. The Holy Spirit causes us to see life, the meaning of holiness, and people differently. It is no longer an option to disregard any individual, give them the cold shoulder, when I know that our Savior died to make them holy. Jesus has a raging jealousy for that individual. He wants them to know His love that makes them holy and a completely new creation. His interest is to restore, rebuild, and to beautify.” Nick A
What is something you are learning during quarantine about the connection of your soul with community?
“…we are all members of one another.”
Ephesians 4:25 (BSB)
Noticing a slip into laziness and a lean toward unhealthy withdrawal, I did some self-examination and recognized the danger. I could float and be fine. Is that what I wanted?
In some moments – YES. But when I thought more deeply – NO.
How could I channel anxious, scattered energy toward an intention that innovates in this situation rather than just maintains or goes backward? Anxious thoughts can be a good springboard to creative thinking.
“…know my anxious thoughts” Psalm 139:23
I do believe there are times when maintaining is all we can muster! I have certainly been there. But right now, I’m called to more, to stepping up, out of comfort into a new normal. So, I ask God to awaken me to the thoughts that are ruling me today.
“Behold, I’m doing a new thing….” Isaiah 43:19
God is always doing new things. Are we joining Him?
I think of the “disciplined distinctiveness” of the Rechabites. Who are they?
They were an Israelite family group that had taken on an identity due to a discipline their forefather had passed down to them. They were so distinctive holding firmly to his ways. It could have become a legalistic stance, but it became a wonderful call to “disciplined distinctiveness”, as Eugene Peterson called it in his book Run with the Horses. God was using the example of the Rechabites to call His people to deep and careful observation of His Word.
“Will you not receive instruction by listening to My words?” Jeremiah 35:13
(like that family took instruction from their father?)
The particular discipline was not the point, rather the fact that they held strongly to something they had committed to. Like when Daniel was so resolved to not eat defiled food. It distinguished him. It wasn’t merely the outward act but rather the inner resolve he was strengthened to uphold for God’s purposes. It set him apart.
Where does your soul need innovation?
What new thing does God want to work in you?
What area of life comes to mind?
With all the talk of resilience in this unprecedented time, what priority in your life needs to be innovated for greater resilience?
(This is where the difference is made: In the time that you sit, settle, chase away distraction, write things down if you need to to clear your mind. Then sit, incline your heart Godward and let Him speak. He’s waiting. Isaiah 30:18)
The step I’m taking is a mental tweaking, redirecting my level of engagement with others, to be more active and helpful rather than just getting by with a low relational attention. This kind of step will take awareness and practice, but will expand my heart and my reach.
“…because of practice…their senses are trained to discern….” Heb. 5:14
What soul practice is God prompting you to innovate?
Paskha (Passover)
That’s what the Orthodox Church calls Easter on this side of the world since it is the event that links the first Jewish Passover where the lamb’s blood saved them from death
to Jesus our Passover Lamb whose blood saves us from death (1 Corinthians 5:7). (The term “Easter” is a carry-over from a pre-Christian spring festival that celebrated new life.)
So, in the spirit of seeing the journey from the Passover in Egypt to the battles and freedom of the promised land as a metaphor for our Christian life, I offer this “chant”.
For sending the Lamb of God to keep us from the angel of death, we thank You.
For freeing us from enemy voices that drive and demean us, we thank You.
For providing for us and deepening our understanding of You in the wilderness of life, we thank You.
For Your jealousy for us and our children to live well in the land, we thank You.
For Your mercy and instruction when we turn away from You, we thank You.
For equipping us with Your might to fight battles within and without, we thank You.
For living among us and within us to take up our burdens, we thank You.
For opening a way and conquering through us the things that are giants in our lives, we thank You.
For wisdom, strength and love to live in Your ways among people of other ways, we thank You.
For discernment to walk through all things with You and not to dilute Your message, we thank You.
For letting our own sin’s consequences draw us back to Your wholeness, we thank You.
For forgiving us and taking away our shame, we thank You.
For conquering death and the power of fear, anger and worry, we thank You.
For the invitation to join You in our own transformation and that of others, we thank You.
For Your pursuit of us and the hope of full transformation at Your return, we thank You!
“Just the time I feel that I’ve been caught in the mire of self; just the time I feel my mind’s been bought by worldly wealth, that’s when the breeze begins to blow; I know the Spirit’s call.
And all my worldly wanderings just melt into His love.”
Steve Green
How poignant are the words and deeds of Jesus on the days between the accolades of Palm Sunday and the horrors of Good Friday. And how necessary for us today!
The disciples would be dealing with utter disappointment, paradigm shifts, changes in plans and occupations, a new normal and a new purpose. Sounds like some of what we’re dealing with today…
“Holy week” was Jesus’ last week on earth. He was so purposeful, cultivating potent seeds of faith and hope that would spring to life in the chaotic days to come. But little of it made sense to any of His followers who were sure there was soon to be a grand political victory ahead that would “save” them.
However, Jesus brought about an entirely different kind of victory. One that would free us from focusing this life, only on this life. In these days of COVID-19 we’re all facing how to make decisions in uncertainty; how to keep safe and wise while being helpful to others; how to mourn the state of our world and our souls; and how to make the most of this strange time while wondering about the future.
Let’s listen to some of what Jesus said and watch some of what He did in His last days when most of us would have been in fight or flight mode, stammering in self-protection and fear.
Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead a few days before Palm Sunday. This caused a huge reaction among the religious leaders who were jealous of His power and His following. So, Jesus was heading to Jerusalem at a vulnerable time. They were out to get Him. (John 11:48)
When jealousy, envy, and grasping for position take us over, what does it do to us?
What is our choice when we recognize sin in our hearts?
When someone poured out something very valuable for Jesus, Judas judged it as a waste. (John 12:4-8)
When others pour out their lives for Him, what is our response?
He spoke of different talents given to each one; how they invested, risked and used it to multiply or how they lost it. (Matthew 25:15-18)
What has He given you? What’s in your hand?
Jesus’ outrage in the temple. (Matthew 21:12,13)
Are you aware of, and attentive in God’s presence?
Warning to be ready for difficulty and false teaching. (Matthew 13:5,6)
Are you surprised by troubled times and falsehood?
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Where are you looking for peace?
It is ASTONISHING how much Jesus emphasizes LOVE and UNITY on the days before His death. Those seem to be paramount on His heart before He dies. For His followers He gave the example of doing the lowliest thing to show care. (John 13) His kind of love is not devoid of conviction or action, and yet values even enemies because they carry the image of God. He was concerned for their need for forgiveness, justice and freedom.
Jesus’ last prayer before He went to Gethsemane shows His deep concern for how His followers treated each other and for living in the Father’s joy. (John 17)
What is our deep concern in our days of sorrow and hopelessness in this world?
Jesus was preparing His disciples for coming events in their lives. The things He is bringing into your lives now will help prepare you for what’s ahead. There is no greater grief than the crucifixion and no greater hope than the resurrection.
Take some time to consider –
What stands out to you in this weeks’ words and deeds of Jesus?
“You will be graced with the disaster your soul requires to find its way home.”
A Hell of Mercy, Tim Farrington
quarantine – a state, period, or place of isolation…
Our souls need a space, free from distraction, expectations, chatter and the noise of life.
Often, it seems, God’s answers come through limits. He has now imposed a global limit on us. And as always with Him, it is out of love for us and jealousy that we might settle for less. He knows where other paths will take us.
“The Coronavirus pandemic is a vivid reminder that God can change the global equation overnight, whenever he wants to. The curtain of predictability is ruptured, and people are awakened to larger realities. Amid the uncertainties, we who know the Lord have a “great door of opportunity” to minister to others and proclaim the mercies of the gospel.” Steve Richardson
Borders closed, gatherings banned, schools on-line, distancing required, meetings canceled, plans on hold, travel in question, investments plummeting
Like He’s backing us into a corner
Like He wants some attention, or maybe full attention!
Like He has something important to say to us
Like there’s something essential at stake
Like we’ve gotten used to putting our hope, our security, our attention in many other places.
Like our love for Him has grown lukewarm and He’s finding a way to kindle a new flame.
Even with life slowing down externally, we can keep a frenzied anxious state internally, in our souls. How can we accept our limits and draw near to Him?
Perhaps even a half hour of planned, creative silence, holding your soul and its anxious thoughts before your God could give telling insight.
“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.”
Psalm 94:19
As He said to His people right before sending them into exile because of their refusal to turn to Him:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.”
Jeremiah 31:3
His faithfulness shines brighter in the context of uncertainty. (DS)
Share an insight you receive from some silence before Him!