Connecting with God, the One who created us!
We know we need it! He knows us inside and out and has resources beyond what we can imagine, yet at times it’s hard to take time to tap into that; to receive from Him and listen to what He says. Christianity is the only faith that acknowledges that we cannot, on our own make ourselves good enough for God. Because of our desperate need for His forgiveness and strength to live well, He came to us in Jesus. He comes to us still. And gives us Truth that sets us free! We have so many voices in our heads, from living in a fallen world, that we need to replace with God’s words; to hear, meditate on and take to our hearts His incredible grace, forgiveness, help and warnings to us. He so longs for good for us, that He instructs and guides us with His eye upon us! (Psalm 32:8) Working toward a daily habit of time with Him is key to growth and resilience.
In my years as a young mom it was very hard to find time alone to do this. With 4 small kids I hardly found time to keep myself rested and energized. I remember putting some verses by the sink where I washed dishes to use some of that time to turn my thoughts Godward. Or playing music while doing laundry to lift my mind and heart to combat my negative self-talk. Using daily tasks to remind us to pray, can help turn a mundane routine chore into a place of reconnecting with a heart-felt prayer or a plea for strength to face what’s ahead of us.
We all deal with condemning thoughts about how we don’t pray enough. One thing we can do when that happens is turn it into praise. Thank God that even though your prayer life is not what you want it to be, you can praise Him now, that He is there for you, accessible and ready to listen and be with you. Acknowledge the negative thoughts and turn them into a moment of praise and thanks.

What is one task you do each day, even if it’s for a few minutes, that you could use as a trigger for prayer? Each time I fill my water filter pitcher I take those moments to lift something that is on my heart. A good way to reconnect with God during my day because I drink a lot of water! 🙂