A little girl stands strained in a starched business suit, juggling a brief case and clip board, trying to keep control of her little world with furrowed brow and determined concentration. The image conjures up a pressured soul posture that portrays a demand to keep life in order. Zooming out, the image reveals her actually standing in a strong loving hand that in the end is controlling things and carrying her. If she’d just notice and relax. (Image shared by RS Wood.)
An image like this can realign us when the default settings of our souls throw us into bitterness, fear, anxiety or the need to control. Imagery is a powerful tool for getting us back on track. An image of a father embracing his daughter in delight and joy. Her reciprocal joy, energy and engagement are the result of his embrace.
That’s a picture of the Trinity: The embrace of the Father, the energy of the Spirit and the engagement of the Son. This image came to me as I sought to understand the work of the Trinity in my life. A glimpse of how we’re invited into that embrace, into that energy and into that engagement in life. The picture that came to mind was of my husband embracing our daughter in sheer delight and seeing what flows out of that.

Based on the Father’s deep unfathomable love, we receive Holy Spirit energy, might and transforming joy that flows out, incarnating Truth into our worlds, relationships and mindsets.
Can I receive the embrace of the Father, be energized with His powerful Holy Spirit in me and walk in a manner of engaging and loving as Jesus did?
As you contemplate some of the default settings of your soul, what image could help you realign with truth and change your soul posture and outlook?
“Come, let us reason together…” Isaiah 1:18
2 thoughts on “Soul Images”
Isaiah 40:11 comes to mind. “He tends his flock like a shepherd: (Our Father God) He gathers the lambs in His arms…(Jesus with the children, always having time and not wanting that one would die) …and carries them close to His heart…(the Holy Spirit and all the feelings He has in His heart for us.)
What a neat picture and also thank you for the imagery! Love you and value you as well!
Yes! These images are so powerful to keep us Godward. Always value your sharing, Kathy!