Soul Source
“…the things on earth stand next to Him like a candle to the sun!
What compares to His great love? Behold his holy Son…
The Word became a man that my soul should know its Savior.
…Salvation is in his blood, Jesus Messiah!”
Hillsong – “Behold” (Then sings my soul)
This piercing song deeply affected my spirit, skillfully ushering into my inner being living truth that transforms thoughts and intentions: God’s Spirit to my spirit and from there to my soul (mind, will, emotions) massaging, informing and releasing into the brain where the neuro stuff happens. That’s where the actual result of what comes into my spirit flows out, from soul to brain to life.
Ephesians 4:23 “be renewed in the spirit of your mind…” The spirit of your mind!?
If THE Spirit is the chief informant for our spirit, we are on a good path. If our spirits don’t have time or ears to be informed or sourced, we risk the outcome of a driven, overstressed lifestyle that denies the danger of overdoing our fight/flight/freeze hormones. We could eventually lose the ability to readily produce our well-being hormones. So much so, that over time, a brain glutted with adrenaline overdose will seek anything that will give it a shot of a comfort hormone, which at that point will only come with greater risks and extremes. Thus, the addictions, thrill seeking and phobias that are so rampant among us. Our souls are being informed by our driven-ness rather than by our Designer.
My spirit was inadvertently informed by a song full of His Word and my mind is renewed, my heart is courageous to honor Him as I chose to believe Him today. My brain follows suit and the synapses trigger the neurons to carve a deeper path to positive action. I face my circumstances with more freedom, expanded ideas, compassion and hope.
I am being renewed in the spirit of my mind!
How is your spirit being informed, so that your soul is sourced with truth and grace for real living?
Ideas from The Anxiety Cure, Dr. A. Hart